-- --------------------------- READ THIS PLEASE ----------------------------- -- -- This file is not only the libero webmail plugin. It is also a well -- documented example of webmail plugin. -- -- Before reading this you should learn something about lua. The lua -- language is an excellent (at least in my opinion), small and easy -- language. You can learn something at http://www.lua.org (the main website) -- or at http://lua-users.org/wiki/TutorialDirectory (a good and short tutorial) -- -- Feel free to contact the author if you have problems in understanding -- this file -- -- To start writing a new plugin please use skeleton.lua as the base. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************** -- -- FreePOPs @libero.it, @inwind.it, @blu.it, @iol.it webmail interface -- -- $Id: libero.lua,v 1.46 2005/10/24 22:26:39 alessiofender Exp $ -- -- Released under the GNU/GPL license -- Written by Enrico Tassi -- ************************************************************************** -- -- these are used in the init function and by the website, -- fill them in the right way -- single string, all required PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.2.5" PLUGIN_NAME = "Libero.IT" PLUGIN_REQUIRE_VERSION = "0.0.14" PLUGIN_LICENSE = "GNU/GPL" PLUGIN_URL = "http://www.freepops.org/download.php?file=libero.lua" PLUGIN_HOMEPAGE = "http://www.freepops.org/" -- list of strings, one required, one contact for each author PLUGIN_AUTHORS_NAMES = {"Enrico Tassi"} PLUGIN_AUTHORS_CONTACTS = {"gareuselesinge (at) users (.) sourceforge (.) net"} -- list of strings, one required PLUGIN_DOMAINS = {"@libero.it","@inwind.it","@iol.it","@blu.it"} -- list of tables with fields name and description. -- description must be in the stle of PLUGIN_DESCRIPTIONS, -- so something like {it="bla bla bla", en = "bla bla bla"} PLUGIN_PARAMETERS = { {name = "folder", description = { it = [[ Serve per selezionare la cartella (inbox è quella di default) su cui operare. Le cartelle standard disponibili sono draft, inbox, outbox, trash. Se hai creato delle cartelle dalla webmail allora puoi accedervi usando il loro nome. Se la cartella non è al livello principale puoi accederci usando una / per separala dalla cartella padre. Questo è un esempio di uno user name per leggere la cartella son, che è una sotto cartella della cartella father: foo@libero.it?folder=father/son]], } }, } -- map from lang to strings, like {it="bla bla bla", en = "bla bla bla"} PLUGIN_DESCRIPTIONS = { it="Questo plugin è per gli account di ".. "posta del portale libero.it. ".. "Utilizzare lo username completo di dominio e l'usuale password. ", en="This plugin is for italian users only." } -- ************************************************************************** -- -- strings -- ************************************************************************** -- -- these are the webmail-dependent strings -- -- Some of them are incomplete, in the sense that are used as string.format() -- (read sprintf) arguments, so their %s and %d are filled properly -- -- C, E, G are postfix respectively to Captures (lua string pcre-style -- expressions), mlex expressions, mlex get expressions. -- local libero_string = { -- The uri the browser uses when you click the "login" button login_url = "http://wpop%d%s/email.php", login_post = "dominio=%s&".. "LOGIN=%s&PASSWD=%s&choice=%s&Act_Login.x=%d&Act_Login.y=%d", -- This is the capture to get the session ID from the login-done webpage sessionC = "/cgi%-bin/webmail%.[ce][gx][ie]%?ID=([a-zA-Z0-9_%-]+)&", -- This is the mlex expression to interpret the message list page. -- Read the mlex C module documentation to understand the meaning -- -- This is probably one of the more boaring tasks of the story. -- An easy and not so boring way of writing a mlex expression is -- to cut and paste the html source and work on it. For example -- you could copy a message table row in a blank file, substitute -- every useless field with '.*'. statE = ".*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*<[Iid][Mmi][Ggv].*>.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*[.*]{b}.*{/b}[.*].*.*.*.*.*.*[.*]{b}.*{/b}[.*].*.*.*.*.*[.*]{b}.*{/b}[.*][.*]{!--.*--}.*.*.*.*[.*]{b}.*[[:digit:]]+.*{/b}[.*][.*]{!--.*--}.*", -- This is the mlex get expression to choose the important fields -- of the message list page. Used in combination with statE statG = "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[O]{O}O{O}[O]OOOOOO[O]{O}O{O}[O]OOOOO[O]{O}O{O}[O][O]{O}OOOO[O]{O}X{O}[O][O]{O}O", -- The uri for the first page with the list of messages first = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webmail.cgi?ID=%s&Act_Msgs=1&".. "C_Folder=%s", -- The capture to check if there is one more page of message list next_checkC = "= 1 and msg <= n end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checks the validity of a domain -- function check_domain(domain) return libero_domain[domain] ~= nil end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Serialize the internal_state -- -- serial. serialize is not enough powerful to correcly serialize the -- internal state. The field b is the problem. b is an object. This means -- that it is a table (and no problem for this) that has some field that are -- pointers to functions. this is the problem. there is no easy way for the -- serial module to know how to serialize this. so we call b:serialize -- method by hand hacking a bit on names -- function serialize_state() internal_state.stat_done = false; return serial.serialize("internal_state",internal_state) .. internal_state.b:serialize("internal_state.b") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The key used to store session info -- -- This key must be unique for all webmails, since the session pool is one -- for all the webmails -- function key() return (internal_state.name or "").. (internal_state.domain or "").. (internal_state.password or "").. (internal_state.folder or "") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Login to the libero website -- function libero_login() if internal_state.login_done then return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- build the uri local password = internal_state.password local popnumber = math.mod(os.time(),29) + 1 -- == random(1..29) if popnumber == 25 then popnumber = 24 -- wpop25 doesn't exists end local domain = internal_state.domain local site = libero_domain[domain].website local choice = libero_domain[domain].choice local user = internal_state.name if internal_state.domain ~= "libero.it" then user = user .. "@" .. domain end local x,y = math.mod(os.time(),16),math.mod(os.time()*2,16) local uri = string.format(libero_string.login_url,popnumber,site) log.dbg("Using webserver " .. uri); local post= string.format(libero_string.login_post, domain,user,password,choice,x,y) -- the browser must be preserved internal_state.b = browser.new() local b = internal_state.b --b:verbose_mode() -- the functions for do_until -- extract_f uses the support function to extract a capture specifyed -- in libero_string.sessionC, and pu ts the result in -- internal_state["session_id"] -- check_f the is the failure funtion, that means that the do_until -- will not repeat -- retrive_f is the function that do_retrive the uri uri with the -- browser b. The function will be retry_n 3 times if it fails local extract_f = support.do_extract( internal_state,"session_id",libero_string.sessionC) local check_f = support.check_fail local retrive_f = support.retry_n( 3,support.do_post(internal_state.b,uri,post)) -- maybe implement a do_once if not support.do_until(retrive_f,check_f,extract_f) then -- not sure that it is a password error, maybe a network error -- the do_until will log more about the error before us... -- maybe we coud add a sanity_check function to do until to -- check if the received page is a server error page or a -- good page. log.error_print("Login failed\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_AUTH end -- check if do_extract has correctly extracted the session ID if internal_state.session_id == nil then log.error_print("Login failed, unable to get session ID\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_AUTH end -- save all the computed data internal_state.popserver = "wpop" .. popnumber .. site internal_state.login_done = true -- log the creation of a session log.say("Session started for " .. internal_state.name .. "@" .. internal_state.domain .. "(" .. internal_state.session_id .. ")\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Libero functions -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Must save the mailbox name function user(pstate,username) -- extract and check domain local domain = freepops.get_domain(username) local name = freepops.get_name(username) -- default is @libero.it (probably useless) if not domain then -- default domain domain = "libero.it" end -- check if the domain is valid if not check_domain(domain) then -- dead code return POPSERVER_ERR_AUTH end -- save domain and name internal_state.domain = domain internal_state.name = name local f = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).folder or "inbox" local f64 = base64.encode(f) local f64u = base64.encode(string.upper(f)) internal_state.folder = f64 internal_state.folder_uppercase = f64u return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Must login function pass(pstate,password) -- save the password internal_state.password = password -- eventually load session local s = session.load_lock(key()) -- check if loaded properly if s ~= nil then -- "\a" means locked if s == "\a" then log.say("Session for "..internal_state.name.. " is already locked\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_LOCKED end -- load the session local c,err = loadstring(s) if not c then log.error_print("Unable to load saved session: "..err) return libero_login() end -- exec the code loaded from the session string c() log.say("Session loaded for " .. internal_state.name .. "@" .. internal_state.domain .. "(" .. internal_state.session_id .. ")\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_OK else -- call the login procedure return libero_login() end end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Must quit without updating function quit(pstate) session.unlock(key()) return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Update the mailbox status and quit function quit_update(pstate) -- we need the stat local st = stat(pstate) if st ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return st end -- shorten names, not really important local popserver = internal_state.popserver local session_id = internal_state.session_id local b = internal_state.b local uri = string.format(libero_string.delete,popserver,session_id, internal_state.folder_uppercase, internal_state.folder, internal_state.folder, internal_state.folder, get_popstate_nummesg(pstate)) -- here we need the stat, we build the uri and we check if we -- need to delete something local delete_something = false; for i=1,get_popstate_nummesg(pstate) do if get_mailmessage_flag(pstate,i,MAILMESSAGE_DELETE) then uri = uri .. string.format(libero_string.delete_next, i,get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate,i)) delete_something = true end end if delete_something then -- Build the functions for do_until local extract_f = function(s) return true,nil end local check_f = support.check_fail local retrive_f = support.retry_n(3,support.do_retrive(b,uri)) if not support.do_until(retrive_f,check_f,extract_f) then log.error_print("Unable to delete messages\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_UNKNOWN end end -- save fails if it is already saved session.save(key(),serialize_state(),session.OVERWRITE) -- unlock is useless if it have just been saved, but if we save -- without overwriting the session must be unlocked manually -- since it would fail instead overwriting session.unlock(key()) log.say("Session saved for " .. internal_state.name .. "@" .. internal_state.domain .. "(" .. internal_state.session_id .. ")\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Fill the number of messages and their size function stat(pstate) -- check if already called if internal_state.stat_done then return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- shorten names, not really important local popserver = internal_state.popserver local session_id = internal_state.session_id local b = internal_state.b -- this string will contain the uri to get. it may be updated by -- the check_f function, see later local uri = string.format(libero_string.first,popserver,session_id, internal_state.folder) -- The action for do_until -- -- uses mlex to extract all the messages uidl and size local function action_f (s) -- calls match on the page s, with the mlexpressions -- statE and statG local x = mlex.match(s,libero_string.statE,libero_string.statG) -- x:print() -- the number of results local n = x:count() if n == 0 then return true,nil end -- this is not really needed since the structure -- grows automatically... maybe... don't remember now local nmesg_old = get_popstate_nummesg(pstate) local nmesg = nmesg_old + n set_popstate_nummesg(pstate,nmesg) -- gets all the results and puts them in the popstate structure for i = 1,n do local uidl = x:get (0,i-1) local size = x:get (1,i-1) -- arrange message size local k = nil _,_,k = string.find(size,"([Kk][Bb])") _,_,size = string.find(size,"(%d+)") _,_,uidl = string.find(uidl,"value=\"(%d+)\"") size = tonumber(size) + 2 if k ~= nil then size = size * 1024 end if not uidl or not size then return nil,"Unable to parse page" end -- set it set_mailmessage_size(pstate,i+nmesg_old,size) set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate,i+nmesg_old,uidl) end return true,nil end -- check must control if we are not in the last page and -- eventually change uri to tell retrive_f the next page to retrive local function check_f (s) local tmp1,tmp2 = string.find(s,libero_string.next_checkC) if tmp1 ~= nil then -- change retrive behaviour uri = string.format(libero_string.next, popserver,session_id, internal_state.folder, internal_state.folder, internal_state.folder, internal_state.folder) -- continue the loop return false else return true end end -- this is simple and uri-dependent local function retrive_f () local f,err = b:get_uri(uri) if f == nil then return f,err end local _,_,c = string.find(f,libero_string.timeoutC) if c ~= nil then internal_state.login_done = nil session.remove(key()) local rc = libero_login() if rc ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return nil,--{ --error= "Session ended,unable to recover" --} hope it is ok now end popserver = internal_state.popserver session_id = internal_state.session_id b = internal_state.b uri = string.format(libero_string.first, popserver,session_id,internal_state.folder) return b:get_uri(uri) end return f,err end -- initialize the data structure set_popstate_nummesg(pstate,0) -- do it if not support.do_until(retrive_f,check_f,action_f) then log.error_print("Stat failed\n") session.remove(key()) return POPSERVER_ERR_UNKNOWN end -- save the computed values internal_state["stat_done"] = true return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Fill msg uidl field function uidl(pstate,msg) return common.uidl(pstate,msg) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Fill all messages uidl field function uidl_all(pstate) return common.uidl_all(pstate) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Fill msg size function list(pstate,msg) return common.list(pstate,msg) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Fill all messages size function list_all(pstate) return common.list_all(pstate) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Unflag each message marked for deletion function rset(pstate) return common.rset(pstate) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Mark msg for deletion function dele(pstate,msg) return common.dele(pstate,msg) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Do nothing function noop(pstate) return common.noop(pstate) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Get first lines message msg lines, must call -- popserver_callback to send the data function retr(pstate,msg,data) -- we need the stat local st = stat(pstate) if st ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return st end -- the callback local cb = common.retr_cb(data) -- some local stuff local popserver = internal_state.popserver local session_id = internal_state.session_id local b = internal_state.b -- build the uri local uidl = get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate,msg) local uri = string.format(libero_string.save,popserver,session_id,uidl, internal_state.folder) -- tell the browser to pipe the uri using cb local f,rc = b:pipe_uri(uri,cb) if not f then log.error_print("Asking for "..uri.."\n") log.error_print(rc.."\n") -- don't remember if this should be done --session.remove(key()) return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK end return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Get message msg, must call -- popserver_callback to send the data function top(pstate,msg,lines,data) -- we need the stat local st = stat(pstate) if st ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return st end -- some local stuff local popserver = internal_state.popserver local session_id = internal_state.session_id local b = internal_state.b local size = get_mailmessage_size(pstate,msg) -- build the uri local uidl = get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate,msg) local uri = string.format(libero_string.save,popserver,session_id,uidl, internal_state.folder) return common.top(b,uri,key(),size,lines,data,false) end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This function is called to initialize the plugin. -- Since we need to use the browser and save sessions we have to use -- some modules with the dofile function -- -- We also export the pop3server.* names to global environment so we can -- write POPSERVER_ERR_OK instead of pop3server.POPSERVER_ERR_OK. -- function init(pstate) freepops.export(pop3server) log.dbg("FreePOPs plugin '".. PLUGIN_NAME.."' version '"..PLUGIN_VERSION.."' started!\n") -- the serialization module if freepops.dofile("serialize.lua") == nil then return POPSERVER_ERR_UNKNOWN end -- the browser module if freepops.dofile("browser.lua") == nil then return POPSERVER_ERR_UNKNOWN end -- the common implementation module if freepops.dofile("common.lua") == nil then return POPSERVER_ERR_UNKNOWN end -- checks on globals freepops.set_sanity_checks() return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- EOF -- ************************************************************************** --